
12 September 2013

Game theory in IB Glopo: Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock


We had a great time today in Glopo. Continuing with our introduction to game theory, we took a look at Rock Paper Scissors, and its nerdier cousin Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock. We began by having two students play the RPS game, with one recording the outcomes on the board and the rest of the class looking for strategies and preferences in the outcomes of the games. After reflection and discussion, we conducted the same routine with the RPSLS game; noting the changes in strategies, preferences, and other dynamics that were a result of increased opportunities for action and complexity of the games. Finally, all students in the class paired off into groups of 2-3 to play, record, analyze, and reflect on their interactions. The class (of course) easily made the connection between game play and politics. We hit on a variety of topics in our discussion, everything from preferences, context, and history of interaction to connecting how Realists, Liberals, and Constructivists could explain particular strategies or dynamics of the games. 

The full array of photos today's class are here. The complete lesson plan for our Introduction to Game Theory can be found here

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