
23 November 2013

The banality of misery in Syria


data via BBC News

Just in case you were distracted by the developments between the P5+1 and Iran regarding the latest round of negotiated agreements on Iran’s nuclear program, two stories out today highlight the horrific situation in Syria & surrounding countries that shows almost no signs of improving. At the BBC reports; children are objects of attack, not simply secondary casualties of war. Over at The Atlantic, Su documents the equally impossible task facing UNHCR workers as they have to choose how to spend precious resources; give them to Syrian refugees or Sudanese refugees. Not the most pleasant of bedtime readings, but then again, kids in Syria and in regional refugee camps will have far less pleasant experiences this evening than this.

BBC News. (2013, November 24). Syria conflict: Children 'targeted by snipers' BBC News. Retrieved from

Su, A. (2013, November 24). How do you rank refugees? The Atlantic. Retrieved from

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