
29 November 2013

IB Glopo HL1: The Geopolitics of Disaster

Welcome back! This week, we'll begin our new (and ever-developing) unit on the geopolitics of disaster. As always, we'll have our eye on exploring the dynamics of power and how it is legitimized at various levels and across multiple actors in world politics. This unit will focus on three case studies; Hurricane Katrina (2005), the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and Typhoon Haiyan (2013). We also have four games and sims to play in this unit; Survival, Stop Disasters, DS-30, and Inside the Haiti Earthquake. These should keep us busy for well into the new year (as well as give me time to publish a more formal unit document). In the interim, here's our calendar for the week:

Week of 2 through 6 December

  • Monday: Survival Simulation. Choose your own disaster; a plane crash in Canada, being lost at sea, or a plane crash in Morocco. 
  • Tuesday: Frontline, The Storm. We'll look at the politics of disaster preparedness and responses in the United States at the local, state and Federal level in relation to Hurricane Katrina. 
  • Thursday: Debrief on The Storm and begin work on The Blame Game.
  • Friday: Group presentations on The Blame Game. 

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