
06 February 2014

IB Global Politics: Academic conference call on 2014 Preventive Priorities

Our first Academic Conference Call of the new year looks to be great one. Join General John W. Vessey senior fellow for conflict prevention and director of the Center for Preventive Action as we discuss the nature and trajectory of current and future conflicts around the world through the lens of US foreign policy.

The call will occur from 12.00 to 1.00pm on Wednesday 12 February. We'll tentatively schedule the meeting for Room 101 (this means we can brown bag our lunch while we participate).

If you're interested in participating in this call, please reply to this post. I'll make the necessary arrangements with your teachers.

In advance of the call, please be sure to read the Preventative Priorities Summary: 2014, as well as the full report. You can also manipulate the Global Conflict Tracker to see where these current and emerging hot spots play out in light of US interests for the coming year.

As always, thanks to the folks at the Council on Foreign Relations and @CFRAcademic for helping to support our participation in this project.

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